Monday, May 17

I've decided that i'm going to take a hiatus from blogger for a bit, and direct you readers to a new site. A site where i can blog and post artwork. I invite you to take a look, register for free so you can comment on my stuff and hopefully this will be one big happy family!

go here:

See you there!

Friday, April 23

Things are pretty rough round here these days. I'm bigger then i've been in years, i have no money till we move into this house next week, and my first day at Moe's on sandlake was a disaster. Not much else to say for now.

Saturday, April 17 usuall a whole bunch of lifechanging shit has gone on since i last wrote. I quit Bally's, got a job back at Moe's but with a different owner - on the other side of town. They gave me the opportunity to help open another store, which is quite an honor. They know i know what i'm doing, and they trust me to train people. But it's another 40 minutes away, which is about 1:25 from the house in Clermont and it didn't make sense, so on Monday i'm going to be working at Sandlake with a friend of mine as a supervisor. This store is 3x the volume of my previous store so it should be very fun.

We move into the house on the 1st of May, and hopefully secure some bunk beds right away so we can get triathletes in the house. I need to start makin some money again. Tomorrow i meet Karen at the trail head to put her through some brick training. HOpefully it'll be fun and get me back on the bike!

Moving to clermont should help a lot too. I did the most trainign in my life when i was in clermont. Just bike or run right from the front door, and swim at the NTC just a mile away.

Friday, April 9

For the past couple days i've been getting a random bloody nose. This morning it's been the worste so far, it dripped so fast that it got onto my shirt before i could stop it. Not sure what it's coming from, but i've never really had bloody noses before.

Wednesday, April 7

ok, here's a better idea of how my first workout went. I'm sitting here wondering if i would have even made it through it without my endurance training, but also wondering how much better i would have done if i had stuck to the training. See...all the work i did last year in preperation for IMFL was low aerobic stuff...i took all the quick stuff out of me. And i proved that when i did a sprint and did worse then my very first sprint ever. I had a much faster swim, but my bike and run was an aweful comparison. But thats how it works though, speed training is much different and uses the systems differently then long training does.

Anyway, he had me sprinting (remember the shuttle run in school Presidential Fitness Testing?) all over the place, and the main reason i puked was becuase i didn't have enough elecrolytes, i was just drinking water. Right from the 3rd or 4th sprint i was already light headed and dizzy. But i trudged on. He had me carrying 25lb dumbells in my hands and sprint around and around...each time i had to beat my previous time or else i had to do it again. It was very footballesque.

Then after all that, i was weary and dizzy, he put me on the decline leg press and started me at 300 lbs, i had to push it 25 times. Then 400. 15 times. then 500. 10 times. by this time i was grunting like an ape, and he put his hand very close to my chest and told me if i didn't hit his hand with my knees before pushing out, i'd have to do it again. then he put 600 pounds on it. By this time when i got up my legs were failing and i had to hold onto something to stand face was red and flush, and i knew i was in deep trouble, but i just couldn't bring myself to say anything to him on the first workout, i had to push myself to the limit. Afterall, he does play for the Orlando Predators. I put myself in a happy place in my know the place - the place where you go when your dehydrated, dead tired, but still know you got 2 miles to go before you get to the car. You're in trouble but you have no choice but to trudge on until your back at the starting point. I was there. And i don't remember much of pushing the 600 pounds, or the leg extensions, or the leg curls. What i DO remember is walking to the trashcan and vomiting about 1 liter of water.

He came in and said (of course), "Woooo baby! thats weakness leaving the body right there!" then told me ot throw away the trashcan...the whole trashcan. I was feeling so terrible, so weak, but i knew what the problem was and i went right to the cooler to get a gatorade. I drank it down and just about five minutes later felt awesome and ready to roll again.

I'm not used to the sprint, high intensity stuff, but i wonder now how my previous training helped me. Today i'm pretty sore, but not so much that i can't walk. I definitely will ride a bike today for an hour to flush out the toxins and tomorrow we work upper body. I wonder how hard he'll work my upper, considering he's training me specifically to skate the Disney Inline Marathon in a few weeks.

Tuesday, April 6

My legs are locking up by the hour. I'm going to the hot tub to try and get loosened up. I went to Sonny's for lunch and instead of getting tons of food, i got one plate of egg whites and some chicken salad. MMmmm Good.
Tomorrow i think i get with Rich again for another PT session. This time we're going to do upper and core.

Monday, April 5

My computer crashed! for the last 4 days i've not even been able to get it to the DOS command prompt. I finally got it running, though i had to reinstall windows, and lost some stuff, but not all of it. Anyway i had my first PT training session today at work, and after the workout i promply vomited into the garbage can. I didn't have enough electrolytes becuase i vomited just water. Still not fun. The workout was insane, after the interval cardio stuff, he had me pushing 600 pounds on the leg press. Insane.

If i can walk tomorrow i will. If not...i wont.